Friday, June 25, 2010

It's a sign

Tottenham, Ontario

Tottenham, Ontario

Somewhere near Huntsville, Ontario

This is a bonus for my friend Bänä. Golden Lake, Ontario.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

More Canada

Hello in The Sleepless Goat Café, Kingston.

The water below Mark's house.

Mark above the water.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Napanee + Kingston, Canada

This is Mark. Mark is my host in Canada and Mark's the best. We're standing outside of Tammy's Country Kitchen, where we enjoyed the premium breakfast: The Sportsman. 3 eggs ++

This is the interior of Earth to Spirit, closet hippie heaven. I got myself a few nice books ...

The bookstore next door. This is what a bookstore should look like.

This is a Kingston bus. Anyone from Helsinki will know what I mean.

This is Mark with Erin - our designated babe at Tir Nan Og, the Irish restaurant we lunched at in Kingston.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Photos from the week past

This is Thomas. I've known Thomas for over 10 years and we got along from day 1. Thomas is a top negotiator - if you need a decent contract or if you need the sun a few nudges towards the left.

This is Peppe and Vidar. Alternatively it's me trying to squeeze both in, getting neither, really.

This is the Péter and Antti, two gifted friends at work. At a restaurant of course.

This is PU-klubben. It's a long story and it's all about love.

This is Simone and Till, couchsurfers from Germany staying at my place. They are both particle physics scientists working at CERN, and they are very cool.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sampo & Edith

Det här är Sampo. Sampo är en god vän och en mångkonstnär. Sampo är i regel upplagd för kalas och det är en väldigt fin egenskap.


Det här är Edith. Edith är huippu. Edith vet. 

Här har Edith plåtat mig.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010


This is Anna. I found Anna on Facebook. Anna is the sweetest one. Everyone deserves an Anna in their lives.

A Poem about the Good in Times

(I wrote this one as an extension of the impulse in the last blog post)

When I was a child I asked my dad
Why newspeople were ranting mad
About good times in the economy
The best we'd ever had

What was it there in times just now
That made us call them good
Who was in charge of times and how
These times be understood

Or did it matter after all
Since everyone was fine
If ease was really borrowed
If joy was really mine

And then one day the news were out
The good was there no more
But bad instead and maybe
Even darker than before

I wondered where this bad came from
And where the good could be
I wondered what those people saw
That I just couldn't see

I opened up my window then
To see just what had changed
From then to now from good to bad
How things were rearranged

I felt the smell of early spring
Of melting snow on grass
I saw the neighbors waving hands
And laughing through the glass

I saw the maples and the pines
Just like the year before
And I could see at least as many
swallows, maybe more

If nothing else they must have missed
Those flowers that the sun had kissed
How they were growing gracefully
They sure looked good to me

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The illusion

When I was a child I asked my dad
Why the papers and the news kept talking about
Bad times with the economy
And good times with the economy
Why everyone was so happy for these good times with the economy
And why everyone was sad when the bad times came along

I wondered where the bad came from
And where all the good had gone

Cause when I was looking out the window
At the trees and the flowers and the sun

They all were like they used to be
They all looked good to me

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Andrea Reuter i Lilla onsdag - sista avsnittet!

This post's in Swedish. It's about the last episode of our tv show - airing tonight!

Idag sänds sista avsnittet av Lilla onsdag, kl. 21:30 på FST5. Andrea Reuter är gäst, André och hon myser sig igenom film, tysk techno, språkfascism, Leonard Cohen och groupies. Det är nu bara så att Andrea är väldigt rolig och André är i toppform.

En liten överraskning utlovas på slutet. Varmt välkomna!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Monika Fagerholm i Lilla onsdag

This one's in Swedish, it's about our tv show here in Finland and this night's episode.

Idag är Monika Fagerholm gäst i Lilla onsdag. Det var mitt favoritråmaterial att jobba med i klippet, eftersom jag var så begeistrad av henne under bandningen. Det blev 1,5 timme diskussion och jag satt som förtrollad där på baksätet bredvid mittenkameran när André och hon körde den kurviga vägen.

Det blev också det svåraste avsnittet att klippa, eftersom Monika för vidare en känsla som hon lägger ord på, istället för ord som beläggs med känsla. Jag vet inte om Monika skulle skriva under denna beskrivning, men det är så jag upplevde det när jag satt där. Och varje gång jag klippte i materialet måste sömmen beakta så mycket mer än ordens betydelse. Det tog mig över en vecka att klippa det och pratstunden med Monika hörde till dem som skulle gjort sig som helt oklippta. Men jag är glad över programmet.